5.1.1 Direct Communication

The diagrams below depict the choreography defined by this standard.

It should be noted that a prerequisite for an efficient use of the messages in the standard requires that the (potential) Licensee identifies the Rights Controller(s) of the Right Share(s) in the Musical Work(s) it wishes to license. The most efficient way would be to use DDEX’s Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography for this.

Figure 1 – US Musical Work Licensing Choreography (Licensing)

Figure 2 – US Musical Work Licensing Choreography (Revocation)

The table below summarises the points in the US Musical Work Licensing Choreography that a message is sent.

Table 1: Messages and Triggers in the US Musical Work Licensing Choreography Standard

Message Name

Initiating Event



A (potential) Licensee has gathered ownership information with respect to a Musical Work or Right Share thereof (by using DDEX’s Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography, for example) and wishes to obtain a licence from the relevant Rights Controller (e.g. music publisher or Collective Management Organisation or its agent).

A Licensee has gathered ownership information with respect to a Musical Work and has determined that it already has a licence and it wishes to inform the relevant Rights Controller about its intent to use the Musical Work.



The Rights Controller of a Musical Work (or Right Share thereof) has received a Licence Request in the form of a LicenseRequestMessage and wishes to grant, or reject, the request.

The Rights Controller of a Musical Work (or Right Share thereof) has received an intention-to-use notification in the form of a LicenseRequestMessage and wishes to inform the Licensee that it accepts (or rejects) the supplementary documentation as evidence for the licence.



One of the parties to a licence for the use of a Musical Work (or Right Share thereof) needs to revoke the licence.



A party has finished collating messages in accordance with this standard into a Batch and wishes its business partner to commence ingesting it.



A party receives a Batch of messages in accordance with this standard. The party then acknowledges receipt of each message (although this is not an agreement to its content).